Arena Breakout Devs Have Banned 2124 Accounts ‘For Ten Years’

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In a recent update regarding Arena Breakout Infinite’s anti-cheat mechanics, MoreFun Studios – a subsidiary of Tencent – revealed how much work it has already put into keeping the extraction shooter’s ecosystem safe. Despite still being in a beta phase, there are plenty of people running around with cheats in Arena Breakout Infinite – for whatever reason.

MoreFun insists it’s on the case and is tightening up anti-cheat measures ahead of the inevitable early access release of the game.

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In a post on Twitter, MoreFun Studios revealed that it has banned exactly 2124 accounts for ten years for various infringements. Here’s the full breakdown of the impact MoreFun’s anti-cheat team has had on malicious operators attempting to spoil the fun:

In the past week, our Anti-Cheat team detected and combated over 10 memory-related cheats, 2 VT cheats, and over 10 DMA cheats, and in total 2124 accounts have been banned for ten years.

Additionally, MoreFun confirmed that all accounts banned during the beta will ‘also be checked repeatedly’, whatever that means. Moving forward, Arena Breakout Infinite will employ a realtime banning policy, with any suspicious accounts having their data analysed – but players have been reporting false bans taking place. It hasn’t been confirmed to what extent player reports are being vetted by automated systems that might need tweaking, but that could be the core issue.

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