Apex Legends
Apex Legends Review Bombed Over New Battle Pass Move
Apex Legends players are review bombing the game on Steam due to annoyance over new battle pass strategy. Here are more details.
Apex Legends Champion ImperialHal Says ‘Apex is Dying’
ImperialHal, the winningest esports pro player in the Apex Legends space, has stated that the game is dying, causing concerns online.
Apex Legends Leaks Possibly Tease New ‘District’ Map
New leaks showcase images from a possible new Apex Legends map called “District,” which may be coming in Season 22.
Apex Legends Overhauls Battle Passes, Abandons In-Game ‘AC’ Currency Option
EA has released a new blog post announcing reworked Battle Passes for Apex Legends, and players won’t get to use AC to purchase them.
Apex Legends Season 21 Brings Back Solos and Adds New Legend
There’s a new trailer that was just released by Electronic Arts to showcase what’s coming in Upheaval, Apex Legends’ Season 21 update. It’s primarily a marketing montage for Alter, the new and wild Legend being introduced when this major update drops. There are high expectations that this Legend will be a game-changer, bringing the ability […]
EA is Shutting Down the Apex Legends UK QA Team, With Around 50 People Affected
EA will be shutting down its Apex Legends UK QA team, with around 50 contracted workers affected. According to sources who spoke with Insider Gaming under the condition of anonymity, workers were called into a ‘Business Update’ Zoom call yesterday, where it was announced that their contracts would not be renewed. Bizarrely, managers and project […]