New Info Surfaces On Former Deviation Devs’ Sony-Backed Studio

deviation games

It has been claimed on social media that Sony has established a brand-new studio within the confines of PlayStation stocked to the rafters with former Deviation Games employees. It was further reported that Jason Blundell, one of the co-founders of Deviation, is involved with the project at a senior level.

The latest info that was recently revealed follows rumours that first popped up in December 2023.

In March, Deviation Games was shut down without shipping a single game. Backed by a flock of former Call of Duty veterans, Deviation Games was reportedly working on a AAA shooter when it was shuttered amid ongoing industry-wide struggles. That shutdown came following a mass layoff wave that wiped out as many as 90 employees.

‘Top-Class New IP’

In a post from former Deviation Games employee Michael Anthony, which surfaced on LinkedIn (thanks to VGC), the news is all but confirmed:

I hear that a lot of previous Deviation Games employees have setup their own studio at Sony working on an undisclosed new IP.
All the people I see working there that have signed up are top class developers and hope that you can create a top class new IP with your studio that hopefully gives you all the time you need to create a quality product and not have to deal with red tape from previous projects.

Following that comment, Anthony wrote, ‘Go go JB and do what you do best’.

In December 2023, rumours started surfacing about the new studio, with Jason Blundell stating that he is ‘Leading the design for an unannounced project’. If that’s the case, the studio has been cooking in the background for several months with nothing announced.

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