DOOM: The Dark Ages Will Be On Xbox And PS5

Doom The Dark Ages PS5

When DOOM: The Dark Ages launches, it won’t be an Xbox Series X|S console exclusive. According to one insider, DOOM: The Dark Ages will be available on PlayStation 5 (PS5) as well.

Nate the Hate said that the game will be multiplatform. While specifically mentions PS5 as another platform for the game, he doesn’t mention last-gen Xbox One or PlayStation 4.

DOOM: The Dark Ages is scheduled to be revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9. The game has been in development for four years and will be set in a “medieval-inspired” world. Prior to getting an official name, the game was known as “Year Zero”.

As of publishing, it’s unclear when the game will be released. Releasing the game on PS5, however, falls in line with Microsoft’s plan to bring its first-party games to other platforms. The company aims to bring “Xbox to every screen”, including its games.

What do you think of DOOM: The Dark Ages being multiplatform and coming to PS5? For more Insider Gaming, read our exclusive interview with Arena Breakout: Infinite producer Yiming Sun, and don’t forget to sign up for the Insider Gaming Newsletter.

  1. This is best as well as Steam. Xbox needs to go it’s time for the console to go away just be a service Game Pass and sell games on other platforms. Make cloud gaming a thing too so anyone can play the games anywhere that’s where the money should be not on a console.

  2. Best News ever. Now i juist need an release date. It was claimed that this game should already be released previous year. So I guess they focused on starfield and will give doom it’s own prime time to shine. It would be crazy to hear if this one comes out under 6 months. Because normally it takes 2 years before the reveal. Now they probably will not tease it all. Just show an gameplay demo and already an release. That would be the dream scenario. Didn’t game for 5+years. But this news excites me. Now I just need an new metro, mafia iv, borderlands 4. And I pull the trigger to buy an console again at the launch of gta vi.

    007 and just cause 5 are also on my radar.

  3. I have a Series X and this makes me incredibly happy. I have zero interest in playing on that console. Thank god its on PS5. Hopefully Indy too.

    1. There is no point for the Xbox to exist all their games should be multiplatform

  4. Sooo…. Its time to cancel my ultimate subscription. Why pay for exclusives If they put on the adversary platform?

  5. What about PC! Or this gona be one of those games that’s has been turned into cobcole peasant exclusive?

  6. Doesn’t bother me at all. The more the merrier. I felt for years this console exclusivity thing is stupid. It’s all about the games. And for the person who suggests canceling a game pass subscription because this could on PlayStation… you must either be lying or you must be on meth. Why will you cancel that subscription just because it’s on another platform to play?

    You won’t be paying $60 for that game when it comes out compares to PlayStation 5 version.

  7. Should atleast be a timed exclusive for 6-12 months, what’s the point of having a console that is going to release its first party games same day on rival consoles.

    1. An Xbox timed exclusive won’t make a big financial impact where Xbox is the smallest install base. Then 6-12 later no one is going to be talking about it. The next new thing will be out. You’re also in an ecosystem that hates you.

  8. Why is it always doom, wheres quake at?
    Before it was always back and forth released now it’s doom doom doom, give us quake already

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