Insider Gaming

5 of The Funniest Resident Evil Mods

When done right, mods can really enhance a game, add a lot of replayability, and just give players a more enjoyable experience. They can also just be incredibly fun to use and, in the case of these mods, hilarious. The Resident Evil franchise is built around survival horror, but these mods will have you laughing in the face of the undead that are trying to make you join them. Here are the five funniest Resident Evil mods that you need to install on your PC.

5. This Isn’t The Mushroom Kingdom (Resident Evil 4 Remake)

Mario and Luigi must have traveled down the wrong pipe because they’ve somehow ended up in rural Spain. This hilarious mod adds everyone’s favorite plumbers to Resident Evil 4 Remake to take the place of Leon and Luis. Recent updates have added facial animations during cutscenes and even purchasable armor to give Mario his white fire outfit. There is also a second mod you can download that adds enemies from the Mushroom Kingdom to the game, such as Hammer Bros. I do think the modder missed the mark by not including Princess Peach as Ashley, Rosilna would work well as Ada, and Bowser as Wesker too for the full Super Mario experience.
You can download the Super Mario Bros. mod and the Super Mario Bros. enemies mod from Nexusmods.

4. Resident Evil 3, But Its Memes (Resident Evil 3 Remake)

There is one thing you need to know about me, I love a good meme. So, when I saw this mod existed I knew I had to check it out. YouTuber ToastedShoes is known for ruining games with mods, and his five-part Resident Evil 3 series has been viewed over 5.7 million times. Once the series was complete he released the full mod pack which included everything seen in his videos, changing every character and enemy in the game to characters from many popular entertainment franchises which are often the subject of popular memes. These include Scooby Doo’s Shaggy replacing Jill Valentine, Family Guy’s Herbert the Pervert replacing the zombies, and Shrek, Waluigi, and Thomas The Tank Engine replacing each stage of the Nemesis mutations. This mod is one of the funniest mods I have seen in quite some time.
You can download ToastedShoe’s Resident Evil 3 But Ruined By Mods from Nexusmods.

3. Mr. Thomas The Tank Engine (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Speaking of Thomas The Tank Engine, does the thought of a smiling train chasing you around the RPD terrify you? If it does, maybe this mod isn’t for you, but if the thought of it is hilarious then this next mod is one you need during your next playthrough of Resident Evil 2 Remake. This mod replaces the persistent Mr. X with Thomas who will follow you around the RPD and the multiple other locations where he stalks you in his mission to wipe out any survivors of the Raccoon City incident. Although not included with the mod, of course, someone had to replace the sound effects with the Thomas The Tank Engine theme song and sound effects being created as a mod to use alongside it. 
You can download the Thomas The Tank Engine over Mr. X mod from Nexusmods, and the sound effect mods from Steam.

2. X Gon’ Give It To Ya (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

This next mod is one that I have installed since the game was first released and is also the reason I can never submit speed runs because I refuse to play the game without it. This mod adds the classic DMX song X Gon’ Give It To Ya to the Resident Evil 2 remake to replace Mr. X’s song Black Impact. Like Black Impact, the mod is adaptive and its volume changes depending on his proximity to you. It has been almost five years since the Resident Evil 2 remake was released and I’m still not fed up with this mod.
You can download the X Gon’ Give It To Ya mod from Steam.

1. Kendo’s Cut/Uncut (Resident Evil 2)

So far this list has consisted of remake mods, but now it is time to go back to 1998 for the greatest video game mod ever created, Kendo’s Cut, and the part 2 Uncut mod, which really need to be played back to back because things just continue to get crazier as time goes on. In the original Resident Evil 2, Robert Kendo dies within the first couple of minutes of the game after zombies break through the window of his gun shop and eat him. In this alternate universe, Kendo escapes harm’s way and the world is a better place for it. Kendo appears throughout the game in increasingly hilarious ways, going from being a simple partner and friend to help you battle the undead to causing Leon to kill himself as discovering Kendo kissing Ada, transforming the rookie police officer into Super Leon for a final showdown with Kendo. The ending is also one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a video game, but I won’t spoil it as it sets up the sequel, Kendo Uncut, perfectly.

Kendo Uncut continues the story and feels like one long acid trip as Claire Redfield becomes Elza Walker, Kendo becomes President, and he has to tackle a multiverse full of Kendos to restore balance to the world. No description of this mod can ever do it justice, my advice is to go and play it yourself if you can stop laughing long enough to complete it.
You can download Kendo’s Cut and Kendo Uncut from ModDB.

For more Insider Gaming check out the news that Alan Wake 2’s DLC has been leaked.

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