When is Season 3 of Warzone? – Answered

Call of Duty: Warzone continues to impress hordes of players daily, all of whom want the ultimate battle royale experience. The best part is it’s broken up into seasons to keep interest alive and kicking. So, when is Season 3 of Warzone?

When Does Season 3 of Warzone Start?

On average, a season in Call of Duty: Warzone takes approximately 55 days, and with Season 2 beginning on February 7th, we’re looking at a mid-April release for Warzone Season 2. Apparently, it will be April 12th and launch alongside a massive update to the game that you cannot pre-load. I hope your internet connection is stable and high-speed!

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is already a massive game, clocking in at around 150 GB. It’s sucking up a lot of space on your hard drive, but worthwhile if you’re only playing this one first-person shooter at any given time!

Will Season 3 of Warzone Have a Battle Pass?

Of course, like all past seasons of Warzone, Season 3 will launch alongside a Battle Pass. However, precisely what is included in the Warzone Season 3 Battle Pass is unclear. It’s too early to tell.

Over the last few months, we’ve witnessed many strange collaborations between Call of Duty and other media franchises, namely The Walking Dead, Nicki Minaj, and The Boys. What we’ll see next is totally up in the air!

For more Insider Gaming guides covering Call of Duty, check out How to Unlock the Breacher Drone in MW3!