The GTA 6 Trailer Was Recreated In Real Life, And It’s Perfect

GTA 6 Trailer real life
Featured image from Andrew Levitt Youtube

The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 6 trailer was one of the most popular video game trailers ever released. And now, the hype is so strong for the game that it even has people remaking the GTA 6 trailer shot for shot in real life.

YouTuber Andrew Levitt posted a video using real life news footage as well as footage captured first-hand to recreate the trailer from start to finish. That means not only are the main characters Lucia and Jason shown, but so are the cameos of the Florida Joker, Hammer Lady, the alligator in the pool, and so much more.

Of course, there are some slight differences between the two trailers, but that doesn’t mean it’s still not an impressive work of art.

You can check out the real life trailer for yourself below, and then compare it to the actual GTA 6 trailer right underneath. As always, let us know what you think about it in the comments.

GTA 6 is currently scheduled to launch for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S sometime in 2025. Recently, there were reports of the game being behind schedule and at risk of delay, though that isn’t actually the case.

GTA 6 Trailer Remake