Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2 Updates Leave Curious Clues Across The Game
It has been seven years since Titanfall 2 was released and it is currently the latest entry in the series. Although its popularity was a slow burn, it has become a very beloved game that still has a cult following today, with it recently seeing a 90% increase in sales. Moving on from the core […]
Titanfall 2 Surges in Popularity Again Thanks to 90% Sale
Titanfall 2 has once again seen a huge surge in popularity thanks to the game having a massive 90% discount on Steam, now only costing £2.49 / $2.99 for the Ultimate Edition. According to SteamDB, Titanfall 2 currently stands at 18,000 concurrent players at the time of writing, which is more than the top four […]
Titanfall is Coming to Apex Legends with Remastered Maps
Apex Legends dataminer KralRindo has discovered nine individual Titanfall 2 maps that have been added to the Apex Legends files following the game’s latest patch. If the datamine comes to fruition, it would be one of the biggest DLC additions to the game since launch. The maps are rumored to be a part of the […]