Insider Gaming

Cities: Skylines 2

Cities: Skylines 2 Console Delay Is Due To Hardware Limitations, Developer Says


In a new message to its players, Cities: Skylines 2’s developer says the game’s console delay is due to hardware limitations.

Cities: Skylines 2 Console Release Window Delayed


The Cities: Skylines 2 team has delayed their planned release window for October 2024, and there is no new release date.

Cities Skylines 2 Economy Rework Coming June 24, Devs Address Console Version


The Cities Skylines 2 team has given fans an update on the Economy rework release date and the console version.

Cities: Skylines 2 Rent Was Too High, So They Removed Landlords


Talk about real life blending into the gaming world. Developer Colossal Order released a new developer diary looking at what’s coming in the next major patch for Cities: Skylines 2, and with it revealed that landlords had to be removed due to rent being too damn high. “Most likely you have run into complaints of […]

Cities Skylines 2 Will Rework Economy, Console Release Window ‘Shrinking’


Paradox has revealed an upcoming Cities Skylines 2 update will rework the economy system, and that console builds might be delayed.

Paradox Apologizes Again After Even More Cities: Skylines 2 Problems


The rocky road continues for Cities Skylines 2 as developer Colossal Order and publisher Paradox Interactive have issued yet another apology to players for the state of the game. This comes after the game’s first DLC, Beach Properties, was released in an unfinished state. In a lengthy statement on Steam and the game’s official forums, […]