Red Dead Redemption 3 ‘Officially In The Works’, It’s Claimed

red dead redemption 3

It has been claimed online by a popular leaker that Red Dead Redemption 3 is ‘officially in the works.’ This could be because Grand Theft Auto 6 is nearing the end of its development cycle and preparing for its impending announcement and subsequent release, and as a result, Rockstar is pivoting to focus on Red Dead Redemption 3, which’ll likely be another six or seven years from being released.

Red Dead Redemption 3 – 2030?

This leak comes courtesy of @MyTimeToShineH on Twitter, who recently also posted a claim that a Hogwarts Legacy sequel is in development – which we reported on here. Admittedly, MyTimeToShineH is more of a movie-focused leaker, specialising in Marvel and DC, and as these leaks are as of yet uncorroborated, we’re waiting to establish a videogame-focused track record for the individual.

Regardless, it seems obvious that Rockstar would in some capacity be working on a Red Dead Redemption 3 – we just can’t say at all what that game would look like. There are suggestions circulating online that lean towards Red Dead Redemption 3 being a prequel to the prequel and being set before the events of Red Dead Redemption 2.

It would, in that case, show the Van Der Linde Gang in their earlier years – if it indeed focused on these characters at all. It would be fitting for the game to run up to the events that occurred in Blackwater that saw the gang scattered at the start of Red Dead Redemption 2, much like the events at the end of that game ultimately led to the opening of 2010’s Red Dead Redemption.

What do you think? Are you excited about the prospect of a Red Dead Redemption 3, or are you just waiting for GTA 6?

For more Insider Gaming news, check out our coverage of Dr Disrespect being blocked out by Bethesda

  1. Is it going to be less shit than the ‘hold button and slowly watch cut scene simulator’ that was RDR2? Fuck that game…

  2. It would be a good plan to go further back into what happened before Blackwater, there was alot of talk in rd2 about a places they robbed before even getting into Blackwater.

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