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Ninja Gaiden 2 Remake Drops Today on Xbox – ‘Ninja Gaiden 2 Black’

It was just revealed at the Xbox Developer Direct showcase that Ninja Gaiden 2 Remake – known as ‘Ninja Gaiden 2 Black’ – drops today on Xbox Game Pass. This shadowdrop comes courtesy of Team Ninja, who revealed Ninja Gaiden 4 just moments before announcing the sudden and unexpected arrival of the rebuilt Ninja Gaiden 2.

You can play Ninja Gaiden 2 Black now, and it’s guaranteed to keep you busy until Ninja Gaiden 4 is released in Fall 2025.

Back in Black

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has been fully built in UE5 by Team Ninja, honouring the ‘original style of the game’ with lush visuals. There will be a string of playable characters, including Ayane, Momiji, Rachel, and of course, Ryu Hayabusa.

Here’s the trailer for Ninja Gaiden 2 Black:

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is available now on Xbox and PC, and it has been added to the Game Pass subscription service.

During the Xbox Developer Direct showcase, Team Ninja said:

We are happy to deliver this to the fans that have been dedicated to Ninja Gaiden over the years, as well as to newcomers of the series.

Ninja Gaiden 2 was originally released on the Xbox 360 way back in 2008, so this certainly is a blast from the past. Are you excited about the legendary game resurfacing? Let us know on the Insider Gaming forum.

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that South of Midnight releases April 8th

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  • This looks rough honestly they should have rehired Tomonobu Itagaki for this remake 2 and OG Black and make 4 also Dead Or Alive. Maybe talk to Sega about using Dragon Engine. The movement in the original Black and 2 looks way smoother than what they showed. 4 looks fun but it feels like a completely different game to the Itagaki games just confusing? I’m honestly worried with Team Ninja teasing new Dead Or Alive now I feel they’ll fumble that hard again just be smart and rehire Itagaki if Capcom can rehire Kamiya you rehire Itagaki and give him full control.

  • It doesn’t look as smooth as the original 360 game something looks off? But Microsoft paid to publish 4 I think so if they can do that how about buying the Splinter Cell IP remake those and fund a new Def Jam have Octopus Panic make that.

  • That liar shill Max dood tried to say Platinum Games is dead but they’re making a new ninja gaiden he shits on itagaki but now walks that back when talking about this remake he and his friends are such scum and he won’t admit he’s wrong he is really toxic don’t listen to his lies total mk exposed him

  • It looks good but it’s just a reminder they’ll never reach greatness again unless they bring Itagaki back same especially for Dead Or Alive if he was at Koei Tecmo now they’d be a giant.

  • I don’t know what it is but things look off and it’s weird they didn’t show gameplay for the female characters? I don’t trust Koei Tecmo of today especially without Itagaki. It’s just facts they’re nothing without him.

  • I’ll stick to the original but hopefully this does well and hopefully this leads to Koei Tecmo rehiring or working with Tomonobu Itagaki again

  • Max dood was lying he and his loser friend matt mcmuscles lying and disavowing these games and itagaki’s contributions then lying about platinum games being dead he’s still coping trying to lie saying the new game will be bad insiders have said platinum has numerous projects in development this was one leaked years ago these guys also try claiming inafune had no contributions to capcom which is also a massive lie and capcom employees have said so youtube needs community notes like x to fact check these people they’re spreading slander and misinformation same with doa they act like that wasn’t the dominant fighting game of the 2000s

  • Hey Nintendo license Devils Third to someone let’s get a remaster or remake of that it’s honestly not bad would sell better multiplat

  • Put respect on Itagaki’s name finally! He made Ninja Gaiden what it is in the modern era and created Dead Or Alive! Platinum might do Ninja Gaiden justice but I don’t trust anyone outside Itagaki to make Dead Or Alive they should rehire him or partner with Itagaki Games to make it. Platinum has some other titles in development like a Capcom project and rumors were MGR 2 at Konami. This made me want Platinum to make a Shadow The Hedgehog game even more.

  • Kamiya is a woke idiot hypocrite like max that’s why he shills for him and slanders Inaba who’s actually professional while Kamiya is an asshole. Kamiya took the investment deal from Tencent that led to nothing and couldn’t deliver games, Kamiya was in charge when they had to partner with Activision for mostly bad licensed titles that he bragged about, Kamiya screwed over the Scalebound deal then went crawling back to Microsoft after talking shit. Inaba got the company in order unlike Kamiya that had projects that never delivered now he has a new studio let’s see if it delivers because he’s talking shit about Platinum and they’re delivering meanwhile he hasn’t directed a game in forever also he upset Nintendo too that’s another reason he had to leave all these companies hate him he made comments about them during the whole Wonderful 101 thing. I assume to keep that relationship for Astral Chain 2 they had to dump him. Funny max attacks Itagaki for being the same but the difference is Itagaki delivered and when he got into NFT games it’s because he wanted the challenge and he was way ahead of all the fighting game devs with Dead Or Alive 4 imagine him making a Dead Or Alive now after he left Team Ninja went downhill many who worked there confirmed it but these influencers would rather push lies. Devils Third wasn’t even his fault it was Microsoft, then THQ went under, then Iwata did Itagaki a solid but Reggie screwed the game over as did other investors and the Wii U wasn’t a seller or powerful like a 360 leading to slander on Itagaki. He assisted on the Samurai Jack game that got great reviews and has assisted on other titles as well as had a teaching job and has a family unlike these losers. He was the Andrew Tate of gaming.

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