Sony Settles Concerns About KOTOR Remake Cancellation

darth revan kotor remake

Yesterday, Star Wars fans the world over started panicking when the KOTOR Remake trailer was removed from YouTube. It was uploaded back in 2021 following a PlayStation Showcase event, revealing that a remake of the 2003 fan-favourite game was in the works, being developed by Aspyr – but the project has since been handed over to Saber Interactive.

However, comments made by a spokesperson for Sony have settled concerns regarding the deletion of the KOTOR Remake trailer.

It’s All Good, Folks

In a statement handed over to Kotaku, a Sony representative explained:

As part of normal business, we delist assets with licensed music when the licenses expire.

That’s all well and good, but it was also noted that the only licensed track used in the trailer is the main Star Wars theme, owned by Disney.

It’s also worth stressing that the trailer exists elsewhere – and we’ve embedded a version below for you to watch.

So, is the Knights of the Old Republic Remake still on track to be delivered? Since 2021, we’ve had no further information dropped, and as far as we know, it’s still being developed as a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that State of Decay 3 might not launch until 2027

  1. Bullshit why didn’t they have Bluepoint handle the remake instead of a third party studio? This is an L for Sony. This game was probably cancelled I assume Perfect Dark and even Fable are probably delayed or cancelled because of Embracer. Where is Stellar Blade, Rise Of The Robin, Wolverine, Bluepoint’s next project, Bend’s project, Sucker Punch’s new project, Factions? Where are those.

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