How to Fix the Nightingale Portal Not Working Bug

Nightingale Portal
Image via Inflexion Games

Are you dealing with the Nightingale portal bug? It’s a common problem that many face, myself included at one point, and it’s causing some headaches within the community. You can’t progress if the portal doesn’t open. Here is how to fix the Nightingale portal not working bug.

How to Fix the Portal Not Working in Nightingale

If you’re one of the many dealing with portals refusing to open correctly in Nightingale, some of the most common fixes include:

  • Closing out of the game and relaunching.
  • Verify your game files through the Steam library.
  • Creating a new character and progressing back to the same point.

As you can see, two of these options don’t require much effort. But the third — creating a whole new character — is somewhat nuclear. Thankfully, the portal bug typically presents in the prologue when you’re still learning the ins and outs of the game. Once you’re through the tutorial, it’s uncommon to face such a game-breaking bug.

It shouldn’t take too long if you speed through the tutorial section!

What Causes the Portal Not Working Bug?

It is, unfortunately, unclear why the portal bug exists. It’s an Early Access game, but that’s not an excuse for a potentially game-breaking bug to be present in the tutorial section. It happens randomly to players and only in the game’s prologue.

As previously mentioned, it shouldn’t happen after you finish the tutorial section, though that’s not a guarantee. Nightingale heavily relies on its portal mechanics to progress. Hopefully, the developer will push out a patch to fix the problem in due time!

For more Insider Gaming guides, check out How to Farm Essence Dust in Nightingale!