Dead By Daylight Reveals All Things Wicked, Coming March 12th

Dead By Daylight All Things Wicked

In a new Twitter post, Dead by Daylight revealed a new official trailer and PTB patch notes for the upcoming original chapter All Things Wicked. The new chapter will release on March 12th.

The update will feature a brand-new survivor, Sable Ward, as well as a new killer, The Unknown. Players will also get to explore the new map Greenville Square.

Today’s cinematic trailer uses a found footage style to tease some of the upcoming lore and abilities.

Sable Ward will feature the perks Weaving Spiders, Strength in Shadows, and Wicked. Weaving Spiders is an “Invocation”, a new Survivor Perk type.

According to the patch notes, “Invocations take 120/120/120 seconds”. When Weaving Spiders is complete, the player becomes injured and Broken, but “all Generators instantly gain 9/12/15 charges”.

These Invocations will add a new kind of high risk, high reward mechanic to the game. Strength in Shadows and Wicked are both focused on recovery, so that might balance out Ward’s Invocation.

The new killer’s abilities include Hallucinations and Teleport. The Unknown can “teleport to Hallucinations, leaving behind a temporary Decoy”.

So, their meta focuses on illusion and misdirection. Their perks will include Unbound, Unforeseen, and Undone.

The all-new map Greenville Square will have new tiles, including The Theater main building. It’s a classic location in the horror genre and might play into The Unknown’s lore.

Dead by Daylight developer Behaviour Interactive recently faced layoffs last month. The new event planned for late February was also delayed until March.

However, Dead By Daylight continues to grow. There have been some neat collaborations lately, such as the Alan Wake crossover. But longtime fans of the game are sure to appreciate an original chapter again.

For more of the latest gaming industry updates, you can read about the next wave of titles coming to Xbox Game Pass through early March.