Capcom Raises Earnings Forecast Following Dragon’s Dogma 2 Boost

In a new press release today, Capcom revised a full-year consolidated earnings forecast after the combined boost of Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Street Fighter 6.

Capcom’s new forecast for the year ending March 31st, 2024, increases the net income from 40 to 43.3 million yen. For the same fiscal year, Capcom says that “the full-year dividend forecast is ¥70 per share.”

The forecast does mention growing profits from catalog titles. But it notably adds that Dragon’s Dogma 2 “has performed favorably.”

Street Fighter 6 earned solid critic reviews and average user reviews on Metacritic. However, Dragon’s Dogma 2 had a very rough launch, facing widespread backlash over microtransactions.

Still, the game pulled through, ultimately selling 2.2 million units by the first week of April 2024. So, despite its divisive features, Capcom has confirmed again that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is selling effectively enough.

It’s unclear if this success will invite Capcom to continue similar launches in the Dragon’s Dogma series, or even for other titles.

More information about the revised earnings forecast might come up at the 45th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. Today’s press release confirms the event is scheduled for June 2024.

Last month, Capcom also announced that it would increase the starting salary for new graduate hires beginning in Fiscal Year 2025. Both current employees and new hires in fiscal year 2024 can also expect one special payment. So, Capcom’s optimism seems well-founded, as the company also has room to invest in new employees.

For more of the latest Insider Gaming news, you can read about a Gears of War actor hinting fans might hear about the next game in June.

  1. This will lead to Capcom being in financial trouble and having to be sold off. Savvy should swoop in and acquire them.

  2. Ok then get to work on games. Mega Man Legends 3, Viewtiful Joe, Killer7 2, Dino Crisis remake, Resident Evil 1 remake and everything before 3, Power Stone, return of the VS series, Onimusha, Under The Skin, Gotcha Force, Cel racer, and more Mega Man. I forgot about Pragmata where is that game?

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