Insider Gaming

XDefiant Y1S1.3 Patch Nerfs MP7, Intel Suit, and Spider Bots

Ubisoft is publishing the Y1S1.3 patch today on all platforms, bringing a sizeable update to the free-to-play first-person shooter that has been turning heads since it was released worldwide on May 21. This patch targets imbalances in weapons, abilities, and some other gameplay mechanics, and while most of it is positive, some elements have rubbed the community the wrong way.

But that’s to be expected.

Nerf City Central

Ubisoft has made some positive tweaks to XDefiant as part of the Y1S1.3 patch. For instance, in-game XP boosters won’t count down when you’re in the Practice Zone, and some adjustments have been made to controller-based aiming, which makes vertical aiming feel more ‘consistent’ with horizontal aiming rates.

The team has also addressed concerns with DedSec’s Spider Bot ability, which has been causing problems for players on the receiving end of them for weeks – that’s a huge win. Also, Echelon’s Intel Suit ability will now only reveal enemies through walls for those wearing said suit – teammates will only get minimap pings, which balances that ability immeasurably.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft has opted to nerf the MP7 considerably, cutting down the mag capacity and fire rate and adjusting the recoil. This makes the fan-favourite mini-SMG a little tougher to run, but given how popular it was, it should disrupt the meta somewhat.

Elsewhere, widespread changes have been made to almost every shotgun in the game, and Ranked has had a player-based update – and CTF has been added.

Not a bad patch, all things considered.

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that Kai Cenat’s team was hit with troubling allegations

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