Following the recent shutdown of Free Radical Design, gamers around the world have taken to social circles to lament the loss (again) of a follow-up title in the TimeSplitters series. It seemed as though we were on the cusp of having something announced by Free Radical before the Embracer Group suddenly shut the firm down, just two years after the company resurfaced.
Now, dozens of images from Free Radical’s cancelled TimeSplitters project have surfaced online, partially revealing what might have been.
Gone Again
The last TimeSplitters game was released in 2005, and for years, rumours of a fourth title in the series floated around, dipping in and out of relevance while Free Radical tried to keep its head above water. This latest shutdown could be the final nail in the coffin for the franchise, and thanks to a series of images collected and hosted on the TimeSplitters ‘Fandom’ site, we have something of an idea of what was being worked on.
Here are a couple of shots from the collection:

There are images from nine developers featured in the collection, which in total consists of around seventy pieces of concept art, set designs, weapons, and character models.
For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that Fishlabs released concepts of its cancelled project