Terminator Dark Fate Defiance Delayed Until February 2024

Terminator Dark Fate Defiance Combat

Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance has officially been delayed until February 21st, 2024, according to a new Steam update. It was originally expected to launch next week on December 7th.

Developer Slitherine Games explains that this delay will allow them to “refine, polish, and resolve any existing bugs”.

Slitherine Games was surprisingly specific about the necessary changes. The team will focus on improving multiplayer, server infrastructure, ultra-wide resolution issues, performance, and other quality-of-life features.

So, it’s odd that Slitherine Games was so inconspicuous with their announcement tweet:

Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance is a stark real-time strategy game, set in the Future Wars era of the lore. It features a single-player campaign, as well as Skirmish and online PvP modes.

Delaying this game just a week before launch is definitely cutting it close. It’s an unexpected move, since the scope of the issues seems quite large, and might have been easy to anticipate.

However, Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance also seems properly thematic and thoughtful. The Future Wars have always been the most fascinating, desired new frontier of the mythology. And like any game, it deserves all the time it needs for a functional launch.

An RTS game set in this universe might concern some fans, too. After all, Terminator: Resistance was a straightforward shooter and received fairly well. Fans often enjoy the big action set pieces of the franchise, though it also explores human nature and other compelling themes.

Still, Terminator: Dark Fate – Defiance seems like a natural answer to Aliens: Dark Descent, which also captured tense strategy without losing the essence of the mythology.

Besides, humans and Skynet have always been in a match of wits, with tactics and military leadership at the forefront.

For more of the latest gaming news, you can read about Microsoft’s Game Pass plans to introduce the service on PlayStation and Nintendo.