Suicide Squad Leak Reveals Major Character Death

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League early access

Leaks for Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are circulating, which appear to reveal more context on Batman’s demise.

Harley Quinn is expected to simply shoot Batman in the head, as the rest of the squad watches on. New leaked audio offers clearer details on the scene.

A leaked image of this scene was recently shared in a tweet from @LeakerofCringe, a new account that has already been suspended. However, you can still currently view the image:

The approach to Batman’s death was quickly met with backlash from fans.

The original Batman: Arkham games remain beloved action adventures almost a full decade later. Although, Arkham Knight can be a bit more divisive.

The successful trilogy featured memorable combat and performances, notably with Kevin Conroy. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be Conroy’s final Batman performance.

Fans mostly seem disappointed with Suicide Squad’s context in the leaked scene, more so than the farewell itself. Major deaths were expected, given the title.

But the audio and image are a bit dreary, and it’s hardly the epic conclusion one might expect from such an iconic character and portrayal.

However, Suicide Squad may still incorporate a full narrative reset, potentially involving alternate timelines or other familiar comic book retcons.

This would make sense, in order for future games to line up with the rebooted DCU films. The new DCU plans to create as much synergy as possible between all platforms, even across animation.

Rumors have recently circulated with James Gunn tweets, where he apparently expressed interest in more games set in the Arkham Universe. But those tweets were quickly deleted.

Rebooting the Arkhamverse would also present a sensible opportunity for another actor to take on the role of Batman.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will release on February 2nd, 2024.

For more on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, you can read about the pre-order bonuses revealed last month.

  1. Trash game! Waste of Kevin Conroy’s last performance and just an awful idea all together. Whoever forced this game out needs to be fired. We could have gotten a Batman Beyond game but instead they made this train wreck!

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