Modern Warfare 3 Has No Platinum Trophy on PlayStation 5

modern warfare 3 platinum trophy

It was recently claimed that Modern Warfare 3 – which releases November 10th – doesn’t have a Platinum Trophy on PlayStation 5, but it does on PlayStation 4. It adds further credence to the community-led claim that Modern Warfare 3 is ‘just DLC’ for 2022’s Modern Warfare 2, and it means that completionists won’t be able to secure that coveted Platinum award for unlocking every Trophy in Modern Warfare 3.

Passed on Platinum

For those who want to fully immerse themselves in a game and chase down every last Trophy, nothing is more frustrating than learning that the ultimate prize isn’t waiting for them at the end of that journey. It typically doesn’t take long to ‘Platinum’ a Call of Duty game, but for Modern Warfare 3, it’ll take forever… Because it doesn’t exist.

It isn’t yet known why it doesn’t have a Platinum Trophy – Sledgehammer Games has been silent on that front when probed by fans the world over. It’s not traditional for games to launch without a Platinum Trophy, and it’s adding fuel to ‘DLC’ fire that has been raging since it was revealed that almost everything from Modern Warfare 2 would be carrying over to Modern Warfare 3.

This claim was backed up with imagery provided by PowerPyx on Twitter:

What do you think? Are you enraged about the missing Platinum Trophy, or were you not interested in even playing the campaign this year?

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