Microsoft and Epic Games Sued Over Video Game Addiction

Microsoft Epic Games Video Game Addiction
Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

Have game companies like Microsoft and Epic Games knowingly caused video game addiction in kids? According to a new lawsuit filed in Arkansas, that’s the case.

The lawsuit, filed on October 30, states that that Microsoft, Epic Games, Activision Blizzard, EA, and others “use patented designs, algorithms and marketing containing addictive features and technology” leading to addiction.

These designs and “addictive features”, the claim says utilized data collection of minors, predatory monetization schemes, and feedback loops to keep players more engaged.

“We never imagined when our son started playing video games that he would become so addicted that his education would severely suffer, he would lose all interest in spending time with his friends, and his physical and mental health would be at risk,” said Casey Dunn, the mother who filed the lawsuit on behalf of her child.

“These video game companies have targeted and taken advantage of kids, prioritizing their profit over all else. As a mom, I knew I had to do something to ensure they don’t get away with destroying the wellbeing and futures of our children.”

The Dunn family is suing for monetary recovery, changing how games are designed and offered, and additional “mental health resources for families faced with trying to treat young children addicted to gaming”.

The family’s attorney Tina Bullock says that she believes video game addiction is serious, and should be treated as such.

“Gaming addiction is a serious, life-altering disorder that is stealing children’s lives and disrupting families across the country,” Bullock said. “Parents like me often mistakenly think it is a failure on their part when their child becomes addicted, but through this litigation we hope to shine a light on these companies’ reprehensible actions, deceit, and manipulation of our children for their own financial gain.”

As of publishing, none of the named defendants have responded to Insider Gaming’s requests for comment.

If you want to read the full claim, which the firm says is the “first of many to be filed in the coming weeks”, you can do so below:

What do you think of the lawsuit filed against Microsoft, Epic Games, and others for knowingly causing video game addiction in kids?

  1. Addiction?
    That’s not the companies fault.
    It’s the parents fault, buying equipment, games, letting play and ignoring kids. It’s just a bad parenting!

  2. I’m actually just finalizing a similar lawsuit with my legal team. After many weeks on a bender with nothing but hooker sweat and blow, I came home to an empty house and a note from the wife and kids. Apparently I’m not allowed to have fun as an adult. This is according to some know-it-all writer who works at Cosmopolitan, which happens to be my wife’s favorite bed time reading magazine.

    This Miss Goodie-2-Shoes wrote an article about women who don’t have the power in a relationship, with tips and suggestions to “help” break things off with their husband.

    Firstly, she is obviously a feminist by her complete ignorance towards tiny men – giant women relationships. If she actually cared about PEOPLE, she wouldn’t have given a step by step playbook to stomp on us Xtra Small T-shirt males. Do you think she gives a care in the world that the waitress at Applebee’s thinks I’m there with my mother? Or that the mall security routinely asks if I’m lost and need assistance when I’m shopping at GAP Kids? The answer is no. The same answer I get when trying to buy an M rated game at gamestop. It’s agonizing and exhausting!

    So what if I take the occasional weekend here and there to live life to the fullest? Do you know what it’s like to press the Help button at the grocery store every 5 minutes just to reach the MIDDLE shelf?
    Do you know what it’s like to be a 34 year old male who sleeps in a race car bed? Its not even RED!

    And this home wrecking cosmo writer decides that us little guys need even more shit piled over our heads. Like everything else in our lives, over our heads.

    Well, today I stand up! I stand tall for all us little guys. Im standing so tall I can even see over the steering wheel. I’m not going to be suppressed! I will not sit back in my high-chair and let the world look down on me. Unless we are speaking, then I will accept the downward looks for eye contact.

    So you see people, the evidence is overwhelming here that this cosmo writer has caused me emotional damages. I even missed my 2 year old’s bday last week, and she’s growing so fast that even she looks down at me now.

    So I’m filing this lawsuit in hopes that this “normal” heighted narcissist gets what she has coming to her. She needs to be punished for her total disregard for all of us tiny men. We will not be silenced. We will not be put back at the kids table. And we will not accept anymore lolipops at the bank!

    (Unless it’s grape)!

  3. Wonderful. So Karen is looking for excuses why her son is a crappy kid, and instead of pointing that high powered perception at herself, shes gonna ruin crap for everyone else. Parhetic.

    1. She could be a grade A parent in every aspect of parenting, but you cannot chain your kid to you 24/7, you have to give them some freedom but protect them from loser companies such as these. Im going to go out on a limb here and guess you have no kids or you hate your parents.

  4. LOL.

    Guaranteed this lawsuit won’t go anywhere. It is solely the parent’s fault that their child became addicted to gaming. Stop ignoring your children and giving them devices to play with just so they stop bothering you and so you can sit on your shitty couch in front of the tv downstairs and ride your husband’s dick day and night.

    1. She could be a grade A parent in every aspect of parenting, but you cannot chain your kid to you 24/7, you have to give them some freedom but protect them from loser companies such as these. Im going to go out on a limb here and guess you have no kids or you hate your parents.

  5. Gotta sue Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and others also for making tv addicting, hell why stop there? Go after Samsung, and LG for making the TV’s too!

  6. Bullocks, Tina!! And no, I don’t mean last name, first name.

    “blah, blah, ..Parents like me often mistakenly think it is a failure on their part when their child becomes addicted.. blah, blah”

    Seriously? Making the plaintiff and yourself look clueless to make a point is a bizarre defense.

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