Man Confesses to Sending Threats to Nintendo Due to Frustration with Games

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In a surprising turn of events, the individual responsible for disrupting several Nintendo events has confessed to his actions. OatmealDome on Twitter spotted a 27-year-old man admitting to sending threats to Nintendo due to his frustration with games. The prosecution is seeking at least a one-year imprisonment for the wrongdoer.

According to Kansai Television News, Kenshin Kazama confessed to sending threats to Nintendo at a trial on June 26, 2024. He tried to justify his actions by explaining that he sent the messages when he was feeling stressed and irritated from losing in a game. – Now that’s stupid.

Kazama sent 39 threats to Nintendo between August and November 2023, including messages like “I will kill everyone involved. Be careful about events with spectators,” which led to several event cancellations and disrupted Nintendo’s business.

The prosecution revealed that Kazama caused damage worth Â¥700 million or around $4.3 million. They have stated that the situation is “serious” and “there is no room for leniency for a childish motive.” The prosecution has requested at least a one-year prison sentence for Kazama to learn from his actions. The final verdict will be revealed on July 24, 2024.

Conclusion: Do not send threats to Nintendo, or anyone for that matter.

In other news, pre-orders for games showcased at the Nintendo Direct June 2024 event are now live, including The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Mario & Luigi Brothership and Super Mario Party Jamboree.

What do you think about this man’s action against Nintendo? Let us know in the comments.

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