Do We Know the Killer Bean Release Date? – Answered

We saw a number of exciting and interesting projects unveiled at Summer Game Fest, but one stole the show. It’s an odd upcoming action-adventure title made by a single developer, and it’s called Killer Bean. In it, you play as a bean that kills. Revolutionary, right? But when is the Killer Bean release date?

When is Killer Bean Coming Out?

While it’s definitely a game on everyone’s radar now, that doesn’t mean the one-man developer over at Killer Bean Studios should rush the experience out the door. As such, unfortunately, we don’t have an official release date for Killer Bean. We know it’s coming sometime this year, specifically this summer, but that’s still a large window.

While we impatiently wait for this upcoming action game, which features both first- and third-person gameplay, enjoy the most recent Early Access Trailer, which features a whole lot of new gameplay not previously shown off!

Is Killer Bean Launching in Early Access or Full Release?

When Killer Bean launches sometime this summer, it will do so in Early Access. The team intends to remain in Early Access for approximately one to two years, no longer and no less, while they iron out the game experience further. During the Early Access period, the team intends to add new features, such as Steam Workshop, and new content every two months.

Surprisingly, they revealed they have zero intention of increasing the price upon full release following the Early Access period, which is definitely not the norm. We’re thankful for that, though!

Did you miss any of the announcements at Summer Game Fest? We have a full rundown of each one for you! Don’t forget to sign up for the Insider Gaming Newsletter to keep on top of every reveal and exclusive!