Insider Gaming

41% of Gamers Want a Red Dead Movie, Survey Reveals

In a recent survey that polled 650 gamers in the United Kingdom, it was revealed that 41% of respondents want a Red Dead Redemption movie. This was a survey designed to obtain sentiments around live-action adaptations of games, which is an emerging trend that’s becoming more popular. In a series of questions, gamers were asked what franchises they’d most like to see adapted, what adaptations they’ve enjoyed, and what confirmed adaptations they’re most looking forward to.

It was shown that 49% of respondents are most excited about the Fallout TV show, which will be released on April 11, with BioShock and God of War coming in slightly behind in second and third place, respectively.

I Wanted a Western!

In a recent survey conducted by GAME, the UK’s leading video game retailer, 650 respondents were grilled about their feelings around live-action adaptations. There were some interesting results, including the fact that a whopping 52% of gamers ranked the original Tomb Raider movies above anything else gaming-related that has ever been brought to the big screen.

By contrast, a mere 14% of respondents ‘felt positive’ about Gran Turismo, the Neill Blomkamp-headed movie that hit screens in August 2023.

In terms of ‘dream adaptations’, it was revealed that 41% of gamers would choose a Red Dead Redemption movie or television series if they were given the option. Behind that sat Mass Effect (38%), Horizon (33%), and The Elder Scrolls (29%).

Bizarrely, 2% of respondents requested a FIFA live-action adaptation. I’ve got news for you, guys…

There was a question outlined in the survey that asked respondents to pick their favourite franchise out of a selection that they responded to positively, and understandably, The Last of Us took the top spot. In a sweep, The Last of Us – an Emmy-winning series – was chosen as the favourite franchise by 42% of respondents.

Monster Hunter, the 2020 movie starring Milla Jovovich, landed just 1% of the votes.

What live-action adaptation are you most interested in?

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news that ESO has a massive roadmap ahead

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  • We need a new game but modern Rockstar can’t handle making another Red Dead or Manhunt of which we need both. We can’t even get GTA remakes, still waiting on Midnight Club 3 remake!

  • We don’t need a fu*King movie of everything. the game is better than a movie could ever be because you’re PART of the story . A movie would achieve nothing that the game hasn’t already achieved.

  • A Red Dead movie would just be a western. RDR doesn’t really have any ‘unique’ elements that give it an identity, they’re just really good games. A movie would be pointless

    • Don’t do it. Games don’t translate to film. Look at the sh!t show that the last of us adaptation was. Absolutely awful, don’t let RDR get abused in the same way.
      Just make more games please.

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