Insider Gaming

Cities: Skylines 2 Performance Issues Aren’t “A Dealbreaker”, Says Developer

Cities: Skylines 2 launched on Tuesday on PC to mixed reviews from players on Steam. As of writing, the game sits with just 49% of reviews on the game being positive, largely due to the game’s performance.

And while many are upset about performance issues of Cities: Skylines 2, developer Colossal Order doesn’t seem to be one of those parties.

In an update post on Steam regarding the game’s launch, the studio went into some detail on post-release plans and goals. While improving the game’s overall performance is one of those goals, it’s not the overly huge problem that some are making it out to be.

“While some setups on PC have challenges, we concluded the performance is not a dealbreaker for all the players,” they said of Cities: Skylines 2. “For us, the number one priority is for the players to have fun with the game, and we had seen enough feedback from players enjoying the game that it would be more unfair to postpone.

“We know we will keep working on the game and do our best to fix issues as fast as possible, so we wanted to respect the announced release date and allow people to start playing the game.”

Despite that belief internally, Colossal Order is going to put out updates to address the concerns that players have. These include multiple small patches and a larger one to fix a few key areas, according to the studio.

Those areas, per Colossal Order, include:

  • Remove stutters, generally caused by some synchronization condition in the simulation. They can vary greatly from one CPU to another, as well as how your city is built.
  • Optimize and balance GPU performances by reducing the number of vertices processed per frame and optimizing/balancing the effects that affect fillrate (mainly Depth of Field, Global Illumination, and Volumetrics), which you can turn off or reduce in the settings for the time being to get a decent FPS.
  • Pushing any CPU optimizations that are not already done that we come across in this process.

There’s no word on when these updates are set to arrive, but they should start appearing relatively soon. In the meantime, the developer posted a guide to improve performance for now if you are experiencing issues such as low FPS in Cities: Skylines 2.

Have you had any issues with Cities: Skylines 2 performance on your PC? For more Insider Gaming, check out the latest on the new PlayStation 5 slim console.

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