Apex Legends’ newest season “Revelry” is fully underway, and with it, the team at Respawn has planned more events, prestige skins, and heirlooms than ever in the game’s history.
In celebration of the 4 year anniversary, the newest season started by pleasing many fans with the Collection Event Rewards being the coveted heirloom shards, allowing players to pick the $160.00 cosmetic of their choice.
This will be followed up with the “Imperial Guard” event on March 7th featuring the Wraith Kunai Heirloom Recolor first reported by Insider Gaming a month ago. This will be the first heirloom introduced into the game with a unique banner frame and emote along with brand-new animations.
Respawn recently shared a roadmap of the season providing a sneak peek into the next 2 events planned. The first event was planned for the summer season and aptly named “Sun Squad”, featuring a brand new LTM named “Heatwave”. The second event “Veiled” as the name implies, has been veiled in mystery.
However, the question that takes the highest precedence in fans’ minds is what the plan will be for upcoming heirlooms for these events after the Wraith Recolor…
Our Insider Gaming team is pleased to be the first to share an upcoming Mythic Prestige Skin as one of those rare heirloom rewards. This cosmetic will be for an original legend of the game named “Caustic”, and will feature three unique and distinct skins that will be unlocked and usable by acquiring damage points while wearing it and playing the game. It will also be accompanied by a one-of-a-kind finisher, following in the footsteps of the illustrious mythic skins that came before it.

The first tier of the skin features a pseudo-Bio-Mech suit that has an open-face guard for the legend, along with a type of canister on both sides of Caustic’s hips, accompanied by arm guards and gloves. The second tier features much of the same suit but is mildly bulky, along with the addition of a full face shield guard, the eyes you see in the image below will not actually be on the skin. The third and final tier which is unlocked after 100,000 damage, features a full face guard with horns that protrude from the top of the mask, shoulder guards with spikes, and a bulkier suit with a glowing blue face mask.
It should come as no surprise that Caustic is in line to receive his Prestige Skin as he is now part of the “Controller” class that has been reworked for the newest season, and Respawn is pushing into the meta of competitive play and has been a legend since the game first released. The only question remaining is which will come first, the new Caustic Prestige Skin or the Ash Heirloom?
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