Bend Studio Teases Something To Do With Syphon Filter

syphon filter

Syphon Filter is a legendary franchise that has roots in the late 1990s on the PlayStation. Its entire lifecycle spanned no more than eight years, but in that time, it saw six games published across three PlayStation platforms and wowed fans the world over with its stealthy, action-fuelled spy-themed adventures.

Sadly, Syphon Filter faded away into nothingness following the last release – 2007’s Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow, a PSP and PlayStation 2 game. Now, in a message published on Twitter, the creator of the franchise, Bend Studio, has published a teaser related to the series.

Is Gabe Logan Coming Back?

Gabe Logan was Sam Fisher before Sam Fisher was Sam Fisher, working with high-tech gadgets and suppressed weapons to rid the world of nasty terrorist people. It wasn’t ever a phenomenally successful franchise, but Syphon Filter certainly is memorable – especially for me.

In the small teaser published on Twitter, Bend Studio (the creators of Days Gone) referenced Syphon Filter in a cryptic message:

Now, given that there has been absolutely no talk of a new Syphon Filter game surfacing, we’d think it’s more likely something to do with PlayStation Plus and the library of Syphon Filter games perhaps making their way over as a classic collection.

However, we could be wrong – Bend Studio hasn’t done much since Days Gone was released in 2019, and while we know the team is working on something for the PlayStation 5, we can’t say for sure what that might be. Last year, the team explained it was working on a multiplayer game of some sort, but that’s all we know.

Could another Syphon Filter game be on the horizon? It would certainly be a welcome arrival in the absence of any Splinter Cell games.

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