In another session of digging deep into the game, Battlefield dataminer ‘Temporyal’ has revealed more information about the upcoming mid-season event for Battlefield 2042. On Twitter, Temporyal published details regarding the ‘Battle of Nordvik’ event, which will bring a host of new skins, new events, limited-time game modes, and fresh cosmetics.
It’s not a super expansive event, as, over a three-week period, there are just nine rewards to unlock, at a rate of three per week. However, the limited-time modes being drafted into the game promise to mix things up for a while, breathing life into the new faction, the Nordvik Control Corps.
Nordvik, Not Narvik

There’s a little confusion that could potentially surface regarding the naming conventions here. For Season Three of Battlefield 2042, the new thing is ‘Battle of Nordvik’. In Battlefield V, there was a map named Narvik – it’s similar, but it’s not the same thing.
We just thought we’d clear that up.
On Twitter, Temporyal shared a graphic that broke down the limited-time game modes that are being introduced alongside Battlefield 2042’s mid-season event, Battle of Nordvik:
Week One: Conquest Assault
Conquest Assault returns, pitting Russian forces against the Nordvik Control Crops attempting to secure the Spearhead region.
Week Two: Retribution
Nordvik Control Corps seek revenge against the Russian oppressors in an all-new game mode that fuses Breakthrough and Rush.
Week Three: Breakthrough Chaos
In the final week of the Battle of Nordvik, US forces back up the PMCs, fighting back against Russian forces and the Black Storm regiment to liberate Nordvik.
Temporyal confirmed that rewards can be unlocked over the three-week period by earning ribbons in the game itself, but stressed that this information is based solely on datamining efforts. As such, it cannot be classed as guaranteed that it’ll make it into the update that should arrive on December 22nd, according to Insider Gaming sources.
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