Ubisoft Is Making Another Effort To Push NFTs

champions tactics

Ubisoft has partnered with Double Jump.Tokyo to ‘accelerate’ global web3 game adoption, using an all-new platform called Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles to push a series of NFTs into the faces of gamers worldwide. This isn’t Ubisoft’s first foray into the blockchain-backed world of NFTs, though – toward the end of 2021, the firm revealed Quartz, a full-fledged NFT-based platform that fell flat on its face so fast.

Since then, Ubisoft linked up with Immutable to try again to make something valuable out of NFTs, but nothing tangible has yet come of that relationship. So, it’s Ubisoft hoping that the third attempt will be the best yet.

Here We Go Again

In a recent press release, it was revealed that Ubisoft has partnered with Double Jump.Tokyo to integrate web3 mechanics into Champions Tactics, a new player-vs-player tactical RPG that Ubisoft is working on. Following successful integrations with other developers and publishers, Double Jump.Tokyo has joined forces with one of the most impactful names in gaming – but it’s not something that’ll go down well in the wider community.

In a statement, the CEO of Double Jump.Tokyo, Hironobu Ueno, said:

Joining forces with Ubisoft marks a significant milestone for double jump.tokyo. We are thrilled to explore the potential of web3 and digital ownership in gaming alongside Ubisoft. Partnering with a renowned global industry leader like Ubisoft empowers us to continue our unwavering pursuit of delivering exceptional games to communities while accelerating the worldwide adoption of web3 gaming technology.

Ubisoft uncovered Champions Tactics last year, but it went relatively silent on the project until now. At the end of 2023, the firm released 9,999 ‘Warlords’ NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, making them free to mint and giving them the function of being ‘tickets’ for the impending release of playable characters: The Champions.

Through the power of Double Jump.Tokyo’s Oasys Layer 2 HOME Verse blockchain, players will be able to mint three Champions without any charge, with the offer going live from July 18. They’ll need three Champions in a squad to compete against other players, and each Champion they mint will have a unique look and range of abilities.

Will this latest venture be a success for Ubisoft?

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  1. Have they not heard of the Sunk Cost Fallacy? They’ve got to be throwing so much good money after bad with this pursuit of NFTs in games.
    Nobody wants this.
    NFTs -and those who try to collect or sell them- are a joke!

  2. Another boondoggle that’s going to cost Ubisoft money. If AC ever falls flat on its face, that company is in *so* much trouble. Their management simply refuses to accept gamers don’t want NFTs and we don’t want Live Service games.

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