Todd Howard: ‘We Don’t Need to Rush’ Next Fallout Game

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Todd Howard, arguably the face of Bethesda Game Studios, recently sat down and spoke at length about the Fallout franchise – both the future and present of the series’ ecosystem. As you can imagine, one of the first questions to come up was regarding the next step in the series – the next Fallout game. However, Howard’s answer wasn’t necessarily one that would fill Fallout fans worldwide with hope of anything coming anytime soon.

In an hour-long interview with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard took a deep dive into all things Bethesda Game Studios, touching on Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield. He revealed quite a bit about all the franchises under his belt, such as suggesting that the plan is to deploy a premium expansion in Starfield at least once a year moving forward.

The most interesting portion of the conversation (for some, anyway) was when Todd Howard addressed the next Fallout game. He acknowledged that ‘Fallout has never been more popular’ than it is right now, and that’s mostly thanks to the success of Amazon’s Fallout TV show. He appreciated that millions of players have found their way into the ecosystem in recent months, but he still doesn’t believe there’s any need to move quickly and deploy a new Fallout game to answer the hype.

For other Fallout games in the future, obviously I can’t talk about those right now, but I would say sort of rushing through them, or we need to get stuff out that is different than the work we’re doing in 76, you know… We don’t feel like we need to rush any of that. Right now, the Fallout TV show fills a certain niche in terms of the franchise and story-telling.

I totally get the desire for a new kind of ‘mainline’ single-player game, but those things take time. I don’t think it’s bad for people to miss things, as well. We just want to get it right and make sure that everything we’re doing in a franchise, whether it’s Elder Scrolls or Fallout or now Starfield, that those become meaningful moments for everybody who loves these franchises as much as we do.

Fallout is a legendary post-apocalyptic series with more than twenty-five years on the market, and from an ambitious MMORPG to a diverse array of first- and third-person action RPG titles, the franchise has dominated the category it has spearheaded for so long. Fans are hungry for another single-player story, but it seems that they’ll need to wait several years for that to surface. It might have already been nine years since the last single-player game appeared in the series, but there’s plenty for Bethesda Game Studios to be working on right now that takes precedence over Fallout.

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  1. That’s fine but a remake of New Vegas could easily be made by someone and Obsidian could be working on New Vegas 2 they have interest.

  2. It’s not a matter of asking Bethesda to rush the game, the games are buggy enough as is. It’s more their overly long development cycle that makes these games just take forever and they often don’t look or feel justified with how long the development has been.

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