The Day Before Delayed But Receives “Final Trailer”

The Day Before Delayed

The Day Before might actually be coming after all. Fntastic has announced that the game will be coming to Early Access on Steam starting December 7.

“It will be Early Access on Steam since this is our first huge game, and there may be unforeseen circumstances,” Fntastic said via press release. “[The] full version release will happen when we are certain this is the best version of the game possible, and we believe that player feedback and involvement will greatly contribute to achieving this goal.”

As far as the trademark dispute the company was in, it claims that it won its case. The game’s store page has been restored on Steam, and players can, once again, add it to their wishlist.

“We dedicate this victory to all our future players; it’s all for them,” the studio said of the court case win. “For five years, we have been doing our best to give people this dream game. We also want to thank our volunteers for their constant support and faith in us.”

As far as playing the game, it will cost $39.99 for Early Access and 49.99 when it’s fully released. For those who want to play the game on console, you’ll have to wait until the full game is released, whenever that may be.

  1. Same old story in December it will be delayed again for some other BS reason this game doesn’t exist it will never be released

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