Insider Gaming


Epic Games Wins Lawsuit Against Google


Epic Games has won its antitrust lawsuit against Google after a jury found that Google used both the Google Play app store and Google Play Billing service as an illegal monopoly.

Google Discussed Buying Epic Games With Tencent


Google once had ideas of buying Epic Games, and wanted to discuss it with major shareholder Tencent. According to documents uncovered during the current trial between Google and Epic Games, former Google director of corporate development Dav Sabota said in an email that Phil Harrison, who was Google’s vice president and general manager, suggested a […]

Google Wanted to Pay Epic $147m For Fortnite On Play Store


As we speak, Epic Games is embroiled in a tense court case against Google, having levelled accusations against the tech titan alleging that the firm tried ‘acting as a monopoly’, charging what is being reported as unreasonable commission on in-app purchases in the Google Play Store. In Google’s defence, it was stated that it was […]

Is Nintendo Working With Google On A VR Headset?


Could Nintendo and Google be working together in the world of virtual reality? According to Nash Weedle, who has a history of being accurate with Nintendo leaks in the past, Nintendo and Google are working together on a new VR headset. The rumor claims that a prototype VR headset already exists. It’s also claimed that […]

Google Wants AI To Handle Game Testing


Google has published a new patent for a system that would allow AI to handle game testing in the future. Published on March 23, this new patent sees a system developed that would see AI actors perform gameplay actions in real-time. This new system called “EFFICIENT GAMEPLAY TRAINING FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” would create a gameplay […]