Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Rating Shares Some Gory Details

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Rating

The Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League rating listing confirms the game is going to feature some gory entertainment. Alongside an M18 rating, the IMDA, Singapore’s rating agency, has released some new details about what to expect from the game when players load it up.

“Some of the areas in the city are strewn with corpses, some of which have missing limbs,” the game page says. “These corpses cannot be interacted with. Splatters of purple fluid are frequently seen when enemies receive damage.”

The game, which remains unrated by the ESRB in the United States, sees players take control of members of the Suicide Squad. As the Suicide Squad, you’ll “fight various enemies (mainly robots and aliens) in different areas of the city” while also having to fight a boss in order to progress. There are also side quests within the game that will have players “rescuing trapped civilians” as well as collecting various items.

In traditional Suicide Squad manner, there’s even “dark humor” centered around some of the violence within the game.

“The story scenes contain some depictions of violence which are tinged with dark humor, such as scenes implying a character’s finger being severed and subsequent jokes made about the severed finger,” the listing states.

“Other scenes contain stronger depictions, such as a character with a blade impaled in the neck, another’s heart being ripped out, and a man being decapitated with blood spurting out of the neck stump.”

After numerous delays, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is scheduled to launch on May 26 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. The game will be featured in Thursday’s PlayStation State of Play.

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