After finally making it to Sainte-Anne, you will be given the task of building a new ship. The purpose is to help build your reputation in the community. To do this, you will need some tools. Here’s the guide on how to complete the tools of the trade quest in Skull and Bones.
When you speak to Zayn, he will tell you he wants quality materials to make you quality tools. This will not only build your reputation but his simultaneously.
Luckily, you may already have the materials needed to start this mission off on the right foot. That is if you have been scavenging up until now.
Finding The Carpenter

To complete Tools Of The Trade quest received from the Shipwright, you should turn right around and head to your right. You will find the carpenter right next to the Shipwright before the bridge that you ran across.
Crafting A Pickaxe Tool

To craft the pickaxe, it will cost 20 silver and there will be 2 types of materials needed. These materials will most likely already be in your inventory. The pickaxe will allow you to harvest metal ore from deposits used for crafting.
The materials needed to craft this tool include the following. Once you have these materials secured, all you have to do is craft it.
- 2 Torn Sails
- 1 Broken Plank
Crafting A Saw Tool

Another tool you must craft is a saw. The saw will also cost 20 in silver. This tool can be used to harvest wood from trees which will be used in crafting. The following materials will be needed to craft this tool.
- 1 Metal Salvage
- 2 Torn Sails
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Crafting A Sickle Tool

The final tool you must craft in this mission is the sickle. The sickle will also cost 20 silver and can be used to harvest fiber from plants. This fiber can be used for various items in crafting. The following items will be needed to craft this tool.
- 1 Scavenged Wood
- 1 Rusty Nail
Obtaining Materials For Tools

Most if not all of the above materials needed to craft the tools are found through previous missions. If you’re lacking any of the materials, you can either find a place to purchase them or sail around. While sailing, simply loot any crates floating in the water.
Harvesting Acacia

After you craft the requested tools, you must then harvest Acacia for the Shipwright. The Acacia is needed to craft your new ship. Though you only need 8 pieces, it can be a bit confusing to find it.
You’ll find Acacia if you sail northeast from Sainte Anne and go through the narrow opening between the two islands. Keep in mind that you will have to leave the safe zone to gather it and those waters are croc-infested.
To harvest, you must get your timing just right with the saw. Once you’ve acquired the 8 pieces of acacia, deliver it to the Shipwright. After your delivery, you will receive some silver and various other rewards from the Shipwright. He will then begin crafting your ship.
For more Insider Gaming guides, check out the Skull and Bone’s New Horizons quest guide helping you find items you might find useful later on.