Rainbow Six Siege ‘Reputation System’ Still Isn’t Working Properly

rainbow six siege reputation system

Ubisoft has confirmed that Rainbow Six Siege’s ‘Reputation System’, which has been in beta for a while now, will remain in that state because it’s still not functioning as desired. Put simply, it’s not behaving consistently enough to be deployed as a full feature, which could lead to players being wrongfully ‘categorised’ thanks to higher-than-expected flagging rates.

Being Labelled

Ubisoft has confirmed that Rainbow Six Siege players are being automatically flagged for communications penalties at a higher rate than normal. That means that players are being flagged for verbal and text-based infractions that might not be accurate, which would land some players in the wrong ‘category’ per the Reputation System.

There are three categories in the Reputation System:

  • Exemplary
  • Esteemed
  • Respectable
  • Disruptive
  • Dishonorable

The system was introduced to Rainbow Six Siege toward the start of 2023, but it’s still not working properly. It identifies unwanted, abusive, or negative communications or behaviour and punishes a player by handing them a label that marks them as a less-than-desirable standard of a competitor. It’s all about tackling toxicity, which has run rampant in Rainbow Six Siege for many years.

If you land on the lower end of the spectrum, you’ll be punished by having reduced XP gains, limited matchmaking abilities, and by being forced to undertake ‘learning and reform opportunities’.

There was no indication of when Ubisoft will be releasing the Reputation System as a full feature.

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