Modern Warfare 3’s Multiplayer Trailer is Superb

modern warfare 3 multiplayer maps trailer

Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer trailer has just been released by Activision and it is stunning. It’s backed by a heavy-hitting rendition of Eminem’s ‘Till I Collapse’ and for an old-school Call of Duty fan, it’s an overwhelming, nostalgia-fuelled punch to the brain.

It perfectly showcases most of the maps that have been rebuilt from Modern Warfare 2 (2009), and they look eerily authentic – barely anything has changed. It’s all about explosions, fancy skins, killstreaks, fast-paced combat, and versatile gunplay.

November 10th – Bookmark It

It’s a two-minute trailer that tells us so much about Modern Warfare 3’s multiplayer platform – which we’ll get a look at in a couple of days when the beta goes live on PlayStation. From Afghan to Skidrow and from Favela to Terminal, the remastered maps look absolutely fantastic, and the cinematic gunplay sequences broadcasted during the trailer are nothing short of superb.

I’m getting lost in the hype, but if this trailer doesn’t look fantastic, then I don’t know what does.

We’ve got slide cancelling, ledge-hanging is still a thing, there are new vehicles that look deadly, the skins and Operators are already looking tasty, and it looks as though the pacing has been ramped up considerably.

From the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer trailer, it looks as though we’re getting Team Tactical (or something similar), there’s a big focus on drone-based killstreaks, and there’s a good mix of classic and all-new weapons.

I’m on the edge of my seat hoping they deliver this one properly on November 10th.

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the maps that are being featured in the Modern Warfare 3 beta