Latest Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Trailer – Be Greater. Together.

spider-man 2 launch date

The hype campaign has officially begun for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 as the “Be Greater. Together” trailer launches.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases on October 20th and PlayStation has wasted no time in getting fans excited for the upcoming game. During this evening’s Monday Night Football broadcast, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Trailer was officially unveiled showcasing Peter Parker and Miles Morales battling Venom.

Spider-Man 2 Map

In the trailer it showcases each Spider-Man questioning if they are up to the task as they battle Venom as he has the upper hand. But by the end, both Miles and Peter are greater together as they work to take out the classic antagonist.

The game will be the first in the series to introduce the ability to actively switch between Peter and Miles similarly to the style of GTA V was when players could switch between Trevor, Michael, and Franklin. With the power of the PlayStation 5, these transitions should be nearly instantaneous.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is one of PlayStation’s most highly anticipated games of 2023. It is regarded by many to be a Game Of The Year candidate once it launches on October 20th, 2023 and this Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Trailer has done nothing but generate even more hype for this upcoming game from Insomniac. For more on Spider-Man 2, make sure you check out how one player platinumed the game in 30 hours, as well as the complete trophy list.