Is Marvel Rivals on PS5? – Answered

Marvel Rivals Characters
Image via NetEase Games

It’s always fun to see a highly anticipated title expand its reach. Previously, developer NetEase Games planned Marvel Rivals as a PC-only title. But that’s changing. There’s new information surrounding the hero-based shooter that points towards a console release. So, is Marvel Rivals on PS5? Is it coming soon?

Can You Play Marvel Rivals on PS5?

While you can’t play Marvel Rivals on PS5 yet, it’s happening. A recent code revealed on the game’s website indicates the superhero shooter is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S alongside the PC version.

Anyone on a console who was hoping for a chance to rampage through an arena as Hulk or Iron Man will soon have their chance. However, there is no console release date for Marvel Rivals. With so many upcoming events, like the PlayStation State of Play and Summer Game Fest, we’ll likely see a reveal soon enough, though!

Is Marvel Rivals Crossplay?

While Marvel Rivals isn’t yet available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, supposedly, code within the current build indicates full crossplay infrastructure is ready for launch day.

However, whether or not we’ll see some restrictions in place remains to be seen. It’s not uncommon for a game to offer cross-platform or crossplay support but lock the feature to PC and Xbox Series X|S, like with No Man’s Sky. But if Marvel Rivals features genuine crossplay support, we’ll see lobbies full of superheroes across all supported systems.

Let’s hope the studio can balance heroes well enough to prevent any one system from having an unfair advantage!

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