Insider Gaming

How to Throw Grenades in Fallout 4

You have plenty of unique weapons to choose from in Fallout 4, and most of them are capable of dealing with raiders. But when they group up or have armor, a pipe weapon won’t suffice. You need explosives. Here is how to throw grenades in Fallout 4!

How to Threw a Grenade in Fallout 4

To throw grenades in Fallout 4, hold down ‘RB‘ on your Xbox controller, ‘R1‘ on your PlayStation controller, or ‘Alt‘ on your keyboard. It’s the same button as your melee attack, but you want to hold it a bit longer.

In order to successfully throw grenades, however, you must first equip them. You’ll access your inventory, as normal, and select the throwable you wish to equip. It does not replace your main weapon like in past games, however. You can equip both a rifle and grenade at the same time, as they use different controls in Fallout 4.

It’s incredibly useful to keep a throwable explosive equipped always to deal with large groups of ghouls, armored automatons, or that pesky raider that refuses to leave cover!

Types of Grenades in Fallout 4

Despite it being the end of the world, there’s a whole lot of boom available in the Commonwealth. It seems folks can still create grenades, such as:

  • Baseball Grenade
  • Cryogenic Grenade
  • Fragmentation Grenade
  • Fragmentation Grenace MIRV
  • Smart Fragmentation Grenade
  • HalluciGen Gas Grenade
  • Fury Grenade
  • Persuasion Grenade
  • Predator Grenade
  • Nuka Grenade
  • Plasma Grenade
  • Pulse Grenade

Then, of course, you have different types of mines, smoke signals, and even Molotov cocktails to toss around at your enemies. They all work the same way, using the grenade-throwing button on your chosen peripheral.

Learn all about the next-gen update for Fallout 4 with Insider Gaming as we eagerly await more from the franchise!

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