Insider Gaming

Helldivers 2 Gets A New Warbond April 11

Arrowhead Games and PlayStation have announced that Helldivers 2 is set to get a new Premium Warbond on April 11.

Codename Democratic Detonation, this new premium Warbond will feature new weapons, boosters, armor, and more.

“[L]et loose and make the biggest bang since the dawn of time to blow up the bugs, melt the machines, and ignite the raging fires of liberty,” Arrowhead Games said.

Helldivers 2 Premium Warbond Details

Primary Weapons

  • BR-14 Adjudicator Rifle – This armor-penetrating assault rifle is best used against smaller groups.
  • R-36 Eruptor Rifle – Bolt-action rifle fires jet-assisted shells that explode shrapnel in all directions upon impact
  • CB-9 Exploding Crossbow – Enjoy powerful exploding bolts that dish out max damage upon direct impact. Gravity must be accounted for when aiming.

Secondary and Boosters

  • G-123 Thermite Grenade – Stick to surfaces before burning up to a toasty 2000°C.
  • GP-31 Grenade Pistol – A pistol that fires grenades. Don’t forget to reload between shots though.
  • Expert Extraction Pilot Booster – This booster lowers the time it takes for the extraction shuttle to reach the extraction beacon.


  • CE-27 Ground Breaker – Medium Armor
  • CE-07 Demolition Specialist – Light Armor
  • FS-55 Devastator – Heavy Armor

What do you think of the new premium Warbond coming to Helldivers 2 on April 11? For more Insider Gaming, check out our exclusive interview with Abubakar Salim about Tales of Kenzera: Zau, releasing on April 23.

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