Dr Disrespect’s YouTube Income Cut As Shocking New Sexting Claims Surface

dr disrespect etr

If you’ve been living under a rock the past few days, you’ll be unaware that Guy ‘Dr Disrespect’ Beahm has been the talk of the town after admitting to messaging a minor in 2017 on Twitch, an event that ultimately led to his permanent ban from the platform in 2020. Since the revelation hit social media, brands and sponsors have cut ties with Beahm, and his peers have denounced his actions, with many pledging to never support him again.

As tens of thousands of followers abandon the charismatic and controversial content creator, another blow has been struck. In recent hours, YouTube has moved to demonetise Dr Disrespect’s channel, which means he’ll no longer earn income from the platform that has been his home for years.

Dr Disastrously Cancelled

Recently, new claims surfaced in Rolling Stone magazine, pioneered by Rod ‘Slasher’ Breslau and written in collaboration with former Twitch employees. This report claims that not only did Beahm ‘knowingly send explicit messages to a minor’, but he did so confidently and while stressing that it didn’t matter. In the report, it’s said that the identity of the alleged victim is being kept secret based on an original intention to not have them exposed – even if by now they’d be in their early twenties.

After being booted from Midnight Society, losing more than 50,000 followers, being cut from sponsorship deals with Turtle Beach, and now having his monetisation cut on YouTube, there’s a sense that nothing will be left for Beahm when he returns from his ‘extended vacation’.

If he does return, he’ll have a fragile network, if any at all, and the only people still following him will be those unaware of what he’s done or those who are blindly loyal to the 42-year-old creator.

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  1. I don’t know anything about this story and I don’t really care. I do know that you should never do anything that you would not want to see/read about on the internet. ‘Character’, is what you do when nobody is looking. I hate to say it but, karma is a bitch. Play with fire and you will get burnt, eventually. Good thing about karma, it works both ways sometimes. Get treated like crap for 50 years and then spend your last 30 years on-top-of-the-world 😀 laughing at the ones that harmed you. Just don’t relish karma too much. Karma will humble you, very quickly. Come si com sa – zaman zaman.

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