Cities: Skylines 2 Achievements Revealed

Cities: Skylines 2 achievements

After being revealed on Monday afternoon, the full achievements list for Cities: Skylines 2 has been revealed.

The reveal comes via True Achievements. The site posted all 40 of the game’s achievements for players. While some are simple such as building with each type of zone or creating a city district, others give an idea of features the game will launch with.

Rather than being a part of an expansion pack again, natural disasters seem to be part of the base game. One of the achievements involves experiencing a forest fire while another is unlocked when experiencing a tornado.

It also appears the game will feature dynamic weather. In the original Cities: Skylines, only snow-covered regions would experience snow. In Cities: Skylines 2, that doesn’t appear to be the case based on the achievement called “Four Seasons”.

You can some of the achievements below. The full list can be found on True Achievements.

Cities: Skylines 2 Achievements List

My First City – Build a city with residential, commercial, and industrial zones, water, and electricity.

Happy To Be Of Service – Create a city district and assign a city service to that district.

The Size Of Golf Balls – Experience a hailstorm.

Up And Away! – Build an airport.

Four Seasons – Experience all four seasons by building a city in a climate with a snowy winter.

Groundskeeper – Build 10 parks in a single city.

Wide Variety – Create 10 different districts in a single city and assign policies to each.

Go Anywhere – Have 20 active transport lines. These can be passenger or cargo lines or any mix of the two.

What are you hoping to see from Cities: Skylines 2? The game launches later this year for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

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