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Taonga Enemies

If you thought this game’s entire world revolves solely around farming, fishing, and building new structures, you are missing out on fun combat mechanics.

There is a large presence of enemies as part of quests, each providing unique rewards for completion.

Throughout this page, we will take a deep dive into Taonga enemies and everything you need to know about them.

What are Taonga enemies?

As you explore the world of Taonga, visiting new islands and taking part in events and quests, you will inevitably stumble upon enemies.

These range in scale and difficulty, from the standard black panther to the Chieftan of the Cursed Crabs.

The game has a lot of fun with its enemy variety!Thankfully, there is a viable way to beat each one.

At first, the combat mechanics may prove challenging and confusing. It relies on landing combo attacks and using unique items.

Once you learn which artifacts to bring along on your adventure, you will find that dealing with any of the game’s bosses proves straightforward.

Which enemies are present in the game?

Black PanthBloodthirsty SundewCelestial Sphere Spirit
Chieftain of the Cursed CrabsCursed CrabMalignant Sundew
Cursed SailorDesert CobraFurious Jaguar
Spirit of Wild BaboonSundew SproutWild Baboon Leader
Spirit of the Pacific Ocean Dragon

Black Panther

Black Panther, found on the Island of the Marvelous Oasis, provides something of a challenge to new players.

This is thanks to its 86 strength level.

To beat one, you must win three rounds, using combos and artifacts to deal damage.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this Taonga enemy?

200 Energy400 Diamonds
10,000 Coins1000 Experience

Bloodthirsty Sundew

The Bloodthirsty Sundew, found exclusively on the Island of the Earthly Rainbow, is easier to beat than the Black Panther.

It only has 80 strength, making it slightly weaker, but the tactics remain the same.

My advice is to nail those combos and use artifacts to deal fast, hard-hitting damage.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

5 Decorative Plant Seedlings20 Growth Elixirs100 Diamonds
5000 Coins750 Experience

Celestial Sphere Spirit

With 90 Strength, the Celestial Sphere Spirit of the Island of the Oracles should provide a minor challenge to those still learning the game’s combat mechanics.

If you need a helping hand, bring along the Knobby Cudgel artifact to deal more damage.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

200 Diamonds50 EnergyCelestial Sphere Idol

Chieftain of the Cursed Crabs

As you explore the Island of the Pirate Cove, you will stumble upon the Chieftain of the Cursed Crabs.

He’s tough, but not overly so, with 85 strength.

If you have the Harpoon artifact, defeating him shouldn’t prove difficult.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

200 Diamonds150 Energy15,000 Coins
2,000 Experience3 Trips to Galleon Pajaro Sol

Cursed Crab

Cursed Crab, one of the weaker enemies in the game, only brings 60 strength to the table.

He is a pushover found on the Island of the Pirate Cove.

Bring the Harpoon artifact if you genuinely need help, like when you can’t land combos.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this Taonga enemy?

10 Diamonds30 Energy
1000 Coins250 Experience

Cursed Sailor

Like the Cursed Crab, the Cursed Sailor should feel like a stepping stone in Taonga.

You will find this 64-strength creature on the Island of Treacherous Reefs.

For assistance beating him, bring along Lamp Against Evil Spirits. I have found that this is one of the best strategies for success.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

75 Diamonds5,000 Coins500 Experience

Desert Cobra

Step on the Island of the Mysterious Pyramid, but watch your step.

You might stroll across the Desert Cobra.

This 48-strength enemy doesn’t pose much of a challenge by the time you hit the Mysterious Pyramid section of the game. However, bringing along the Harpoon artifact never hurts!

Furious Jaguar

Another low-level enemy, the Furious Jaguar, found exclusively on the Island of the Marvelous Oasis, puts up a fight.

You will hit this area around level 19, so you should have a grasp on the combat mechanics.

To help you out, bring along the Knobby Cudgel once again!

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

25 Energy20 Diamonds
1,500 Coins250 Experience

Malignant Sundew

The plant-type Taonga enemies provide the slightest challenge overall.

The Malignant Sundew, found on the Island of the Earthly Rainbow, only boasts an overall strength of 56.

It’s a simple enemy to fight, though Harpoon helps, as with many other monsters, if you want to bring an artifact along.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

1 Decorate Plant Seedling2 Growth Elixir25 Diamonds
1500 Coins200 Experience

Spirit of the Pacific Ocean Dragon

By now, as you will be around level 27 upon reaching the Island of the First Accord, you should have a firm grasp on the game’s battle system.

You brought along Knobby Cudgel to help deal more damage, and the Spirit of the Pacific Ocean is not tough enough to take you down.

Despite its 110-strength stat, this Dragon can be beaten by any player.

To win, strike hard and fast three times. You must win three in a row to achieve a Combo x3.

Once you do, hit him with your artifacts repeatedly to deal a ton of damage and win the fight.

Spirit of the Wild Baboon

Most enemies in the game only appear on a single island, but not the Spirit of the Wild Baboon.

You can find him roaming the Island of the Radiant Lotus and the Island of the Oracles.

He is only 52-strength, so use the typical combo tactics to win. You can and should bring along Knobby Cudgel to turn the tide, though.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

10 Diamonds20 Energy
500 Coins100 Experience

Sundew Sprout

As you venture out into the world for the first time in Taonga, one of the earliest islands you’ll explore is the Island of the Plant Kingdom.

Its enemies are not overly challenging to beat, though Harpoon helps.

It certainly can help you take down Sundew Sprout, the weakest of the Taonga enemies with just 42 strength.

You don’t need the artifact, though. If you use a water attack, you’ll win despite this being a plant-type creature.

Wild Baboon Leader

The Wild Baboon Leader of the Island of the Oracles has 80 strength. This provides enough of a challenge that you’ll want to bring along Knobby Cudgel as your go-to artifact.

However, the tactics remain the same for any enemy of this type and level.

Try to hit fast to achieve your 3x Combos, then use your artifacts repeatedly to finish it off.

What rewards do you receive for defeating this enemy?

Inner Circle Fragment250 Diamonds
200 Energy8,000 Coins

Overall, Taonga enemies won’t cause you to tear your hair out or quit the game.

They balance entertainment and challenge, allowing you to feel you earned the win without going too far.

Plus, the rewards can help you progress on your Home Island, which is always advantageous!

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