Well, it happened – FNTASTIC delivered on the promise to drop a ten-minute gameplay trailer, releasing the long-awaited video on YouTube minutes ago. In the short-but-sweet introduction to The Day Before’s gameplay, we see… Not much, admittedly.
But not much is better than nothing, right?
From the third-person perspective of an unknown female character, we get a glimpse at the world of The Day Before, starting out in a brightly-lit suburb before making our way into a dark and abandoned city that’s littered with the undead.
But the whole time throughout the gameplay trailer, something feels off.
The Day Before’s Gameplay Trailer Is Finally Here

It’s a showcase, fair enough – but it’s not enough of a showcase. Let’s make allowances, though – FNTASTIC reportedly delayed The Day Before once because the studio was pivoting to the Unreal Engine, and that kind of thing takes time and effort. However, earlier this month, yet another lengthy delay was slapped onto the game, and this one had less of a solid basis backing it up.
Here’s The Day Before’s gameplay trailer, in case you’re interested:
So, we’ve finally got gameplay – and to be honest, it’s nothing groundbreaking. For the most part, it’s a trailer that perfectly advertises the walking mechanics in the game. It also, as some eagle-eyed users pointed out online, shows how much time and attention was spent accentuating the female character’s behind.
From the opening scenes in a wooded suburb to the night-time, zombie-ridden glimpses at the inside of the city where the game is set, it seems that The Day Before is attempting to be somewhat diverse, but at the same time, it just looks so generic. It might be extremely attractive on the surface, but that’s the Unreal Engine at work.
Is There Any Depth To The Day Before’s Game Trailer?

It doesn’t look like something that has been in development for years. There’s a crafting feature, and weapons can be upgraded and amended, there’s an inventory management mechanic, the ability to loot various containers and options to change the appearance of the character.
That’s nothing remarkable by any means – if anything, it’s the bare minimum that you’d expect to find in a game like this.
There are strange nuances to the game – the same birds that sing in the suburbs are tweeting happily in the dark of night in the city, which makes no sense. Every zombie shot seems to suffer from the same injury, doors open without being touched, and the inventory menu looks so bland and devoid of any character that it hurts our souls.
It still looks like a clone of The Division, though. It appears to have a large map, even if most of the buildings seem to be locked down tight or boasting nothing more than a single room – again, like The Division. There’s almost no threat posed by the undead – if that’s what they are – and not a sound was uttered by any character while the gameplay trailer unravelled.
Still, we finally got the trailer that we’d been promised, right?
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