Nintendo Is Going After More People With Lawsuits

Nintendo lawsuits

Nintendo is continuing to go after those it feels encourages and supports the piracy of its consoles and games. The company has filed more lawsuits against two parties in a Washington federal court.

As first discovered by TorrentFreak, Nintendo has filed two new suits. The first goes after Modded Hardware, specifically Ryan Daly who runs the group. The suit says that Nintendo asked Daly stop selling his modded hardware, but after he didn’t despite agreeing to do so, the company sued. According to the claims in the lawsuit, Nintendo says Modded Hardware sells various hardware that allows the Switch to play pirated copies of games.

The second lawsuit goes against James “Archbox” Williams. In this suit, Nintendo says Williams encourages piracy and is the “driving force” behind “several Pirate Shops”.

“Defendant is well aware that his conduct is unlawful and infringes Nintendo’s intellectual property rights. Indeed, Defendant has bragged publicly that he is a ‘pirate’ who ‘[isn’t] going to give Nintendo $50 for a game’,” Nintendo says in the filing.

They say that Williams has helped people get easier access to pirate games for the Switch, and was magnified due to the aforementioned SwitchPirates subreddit. Williams is a moderator of the subreddit.

With both lawsuits, damages aren’t mentioned by Nintendo directly. That said, it could lead to millions of dollars if history is any indication. Recently, the company had popular emulator YuZu shut down after taking it to court. Yuzu developer Tropic Haze also agreed to a $2.4 million settlement.

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