Insider Gaming

Tarkov’s ‘Mortar Strike’ Event Turns Some Maps Into Deathtraps

Escape from Tarkov’s patch is here and it has added some immense updates to the game. Battlestate Games has boosted the game’s ‘transition’ mechanic, linking more maps than ever before and making it so that every raid is eligible for transitions – even Player Scav and PvE runs.

The team also added the ‘Mortar Strike’ event, a deadly new limited-time change that will quite literally blow the minds of players on various maps.

Duck and Cover

Mortar Strike promises to be quite interesting as events go. Per the details, ‘locals’ have uncovered stockpiles of mortar shells and launchers and are now shelling various maps, just because they can.

That means that Customs, Woods, Shoreline, and Reserve are fair game for spontaneous mortar attacks. Nobody is safe, as this will even impact those playing PvE and practice modes. This terrifying event will keep players on their toes, but it’ll also cause AI-driven characters to ‘react appropriately’ when shells start flying.

Mortar Strike has a unique in-game quest that goes hand-in-hand with the event. When you take part in this questline, you’ll be able to unlock:

  • A special equipment item that warns about the start of mortar fire in advance to help avoid dangerous areas
  • A special consumable item that initiates mortar fire at the player’s position
  • A unique achievement as a reward for finishing the task line, available only during the event

It’ll be interesting to see how the mortar strikes behave once the patch has been deployed.

Fear not – we’ll have a Mortar Strike guide going live as soon as the game comes online following the update.

For more Insider Gaming coverage, check out the news about transitions in Escape from Tarkov

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