On the surface, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster looks like your standard zombie-killing adventure with a bunch of whacky weapons and an iconic mall setting. But it’s so much more. There’s a story of intrigue, government screw-ups, and an exceptional survivor mechanic that pushes you to go out of your way to save people during the zombie apocalypse. It’s fantastic fun! So, here’s how to rescue survivors in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster!
How to Save Survivors in Dead Rising
As you wander the mall as Frank, you’ll occasionally stumble upon other survivors doing their best to remain alive against the onslaught of the zombie hordes. Otis will occasionally call from the safety of the Security Room with information on survivors he saw on the monitors. If you follow up with either, you can rescue said survivors and return them to the Security Room. There, they’ll cower in one of the backrooms but don’t help out. You must save them out of the good of your heart!
To rescue a survivor in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, clear the immediate area of attacking zombies and then speak to the survivor. Sometimes, they’ll have a short quest for you. The Sandwich Man, for example, hides out in Jill’s Sandwiches in Paradise Plaza. If you speak with him on day two, he’ll tell you he’s starving and wants you to share food with him. Return with a bit of food, and he’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth. In this case, to the Security Room. Others will follow you because you rescued them from the undead.

After speaking with them using “Y” on your controller, you can request they follow you by clicking on the right analog stick to escort them. By holding down “LT” and clicking the right analog, you can order them to a specific position while you clear away any threats.
Alternatively, if they’re injured or slow, you can hold their hand to guide them through a horde or carry them on your back. You’re vulnerable while doing either, as you cannot use your weapons unless you let them go or drop them on the ground.
How to Give Survivors Weapons
If you’d rather not micromanage the survivors you’re escorting, most can and will hold their own in combat. They’re not as adept as Frank, but they can make your job significantly more manageable if you provide them with a weapon. To give survivors weapons, equip one in your hand, walk up to the survivor, and hit “Y” on the controller. You’ll hand over the currently equipped weapon you’re holding, and they’ll have a better chance at surviving on the way to the Security Room.
Related: How to Save in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Where to Find Survivors
The best way to find survivors is to explore the mall, wait for Otis to call, and check out the various shops. As you explore, you’ll note a survivor’s name tag appears on your HUD from quite a distance away. Enough advanced notice allows you to mentally prepare for the zombies or find an alternate route so you don’t feel too bad about leaving them to their fate.
Otis will be your primary source of survivor sightings, though. He’ll call randomly throughout each day, with new mall survivors appearing throughout each day of the journey. They don’t last long, though, so if you want to save everyone, move quickly!
Will you attempt to save every survivor you can in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster? Let us know in the comments, or start a thread of your own on the official Insider Gaming forums!