During your escapades into the deepest, darkest dungeons of Dungeonborne, you will inevitably take damage. Whether you’re learning the game’s combat mechanics or leveling a character and now you’re too confident, something will hit you. It’ll hit hard. You’ll lose a bunch of life and risk the entire run. Fret not, because this is how to heal in Dungeonborne!
How to Heal Yourself in Dungeonborne
There are multiple ways to heal yourself in Dungeonborne, with the most common being the usual Healing Potion or Bandage. They’re both viable, albeit expensive, early-game options to keep you alive and in the fight. In fact, your first character starts with a few healing tonics to help kickstart your adventure. But you’ll run through those quickly. More on obtaining healing items later, though.
With a healing item in your hot bar, of which you have three slots for potions and healing items on the right-hand side of your inventory menu, select the corresponding number to equip that specific healing item. With it in your hands, use the interact icon on-screen to heal.
Be wary, as most of the game’s healing items do not provide instantaneous healing but instead offer healing over time.
Furthermore, while exploring the dungeons, you may stumble across a statue of a hand with a green, glowing orb in the center. If you clear the immediate area and walk up to this statue, it’s a healing aura. It will heal your health completely over a short period, but they’re rare.
Related: How to Play With Friends in Dungeonborne
Where to Get Healing Items in Dungeonborne

Similarly to how you can never avoid taking damage in Dungeonborne, you will inevitably run out of healing potions, too. Even if you purchase the Mithril Satchel DLC, which offers numerous potions and bandages, you’ll eventually run out.
Once you have a bit of gold, visit the Merchant. She’ll sell you a variety of wares, including a few weapons, pieces of armor, trinkets, and flasks of all types. Most importantly, she offers the game’s many healing items, like Healing Potions and Bandages. They’re expensive, though. Expect to pay 500 Gold for one Healing Potion and 400 Gold for one Bandage.
Alternatively, visit the Alchemist. For 3 Cloudy Life Essence, which you’ll find within dungeons and from the Merchant, he’ll craft you Healing Potions. It’s a more cost-effective way to obtain them without risking your skin in the dungeon or your gold at the Merchant!
While you’re visiting the various vendors, now is a good time to learn how to craft Heirlooms in Dungeonborne! But before you dive back into the game, why not sign up for the Insider Gaming Newsletter?!