The Black Panther trophy in Marvel Rivals is sure to be one of the main stumbling blocks for players on their way to the platinum trophy. The trophy, called King of the Dead, requires the player to achieve a triple kill on the map Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Hall of Djalia.
In this guide, I’ll teach you some tricks to make this process easier. However, before we go any further, it’s worth mentioning that you’ll need to rely on luck in two ways. I’ll explain below!
How to get the Black Panther trophy in Marvel Rivals
Tip 1) The first piece of luck
Before you can even try to get the trophy, you’ll need to find a match on the map you need: Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Hall of Djalia. It’s worth mentioning that the game has two Black Panther-themed maps and only one counts towards the trophy.

Make sure you read the name of the map before attempting it. And the first piece of luck needed is for the map to drop. Currently, on December 18th, this map’s appearance rate is very low. It’s an Escort mode map that only appears when playing quick matches.
As the game doesn’t yet allow you to select the mode, matches can even fall into Domination mode, which doesn’t help the process of trying to get the trophy. That’s why it’s best to get it as soon as possible. When the game receives more maps, the process will only get harder.
Tip 2) Learn to combo
There’s not much to do. Until the map drops, I recommend that you play every match with Black Panther until you learn the character’s mechanics. He has some of the highest mobility in the game, but his damage is relatively low compared to heroes like Star-Lord and Iron Fist.
His main mechanic lies in applying Vibranium Marks to enemies so that you can perform combos. Black Panther’s combo is as follows:
Start by throwing the spear with L2 > Then use R1 to use the Spirit Tear. If you use the Spirit Tear on an enemy with the Vibranium Mark, the ability is recharged > After using the Spirit Tear, use the Spin Kick and then use the Spirit Tear again > Throw the spear again and then activate Spirit Tear.
That’s it, that’s basically the process. The secret is to keep the Vibranium Mark active at all times so that you can keep spamming the Spirit Tear at your enemies.
Tip 3) The strategy on the map
The moment has arrived. You’ve found the match on the map Djalia’s Hall, you’ve learned how to play with the Black Panther. Now the second piece of luck I mentioned comes into play.
As the character deals little damage, it’s ideal for the enemy to have a team with several characters with low HP, such as Adam Warlock, the Punisher and Mantis.
When the two teams are in conflict, circle the map and go to the opposing team’s flank when your ultimate is full. This is usually where the healers and damage characters are concentrated. Before circling the map, throw your spear to apply the Vibranium Mark to the enemies.
Activate your Ultimate. In it, the character summons a giant Panther that runs a little forward, so you don’t need to be glued to the enemies but don’t stand too far away. If you’re lucky, you’ll get at least 2 kills this way. As the ultimate applies the Vibranium Mark to enemies, remember to do the combo with the hero:
Ultimate > R1 to unleash the Spirit Tear > L1 to trigger the Spin Kick and apply the Mark > R1 to unleash the Spirit Tear again > L2 to throw the Spear > Spirit Tear > L2 again > R1 one last time.
The trophy asks you to get a triple kill. Fortunately, the game has a considerable window before your kills in sequence are reset. You’ll have around 6 to 8 seconds to eliminate the next enemy. The triple kill indicator MUST appear on the screen, otherwise, the trophy won’t pop
Tip 4) Call a friend
If you have a friend playing, call them into your group and ask them to play Mantis or Jeff. As Black Panther has low HP, it’s ideal to have a support character around.
I personally prefer Mantis because as well as healing, she has a buff that increases the ally’s damage, something that makes the trophy much easier for Black Panther.
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