REPO has a ton of depth and death. But one way to keep yourself alive in the valuable-extracting horror title is to use helpful items. REPO’s regular shop has handy items, but the Secret Shop is worth checking out if you know where and how to find it.
In between the sheer panic of REPO rounds, the Service Shop comes to your aid. This gives you and a large group of players the chance to stock up on necessary gear. From Grenades to gadgets, the Service Store has everything you need to be successful in REPO.
But a Secret Shop is hiding in REPO too. It has even more goodies and possibilities and it’s very easy to find and access.
Where is The Secret Shop in REPO?

The Secret Shop is located in the ceiling above the Service Shop—making this a shop within a shop.
Here’s a quick guide showing you where to find the panel in REPO:
- Complete a level to go to the Service Shop.
- Go to the health purchases at the end of the aisle.
- Face them directly, then do a 180.
- Look directly up and the movable panel should be two ahead and two to the right.
- Throw an item at the panel or use a power to shift it.
- If done correctly, the panel lifts and reveals a big hole in the ceiling.
I bet you didn’t see that plot twist coming! REPO’s Secret Shop is found inside the regular Service Shop.
This is pretty handy and means you have an all-in-one hub for all your shopping needs. You’re always taken to the Service Shop after completing a level, meaning you have regular opportunities to stock up and get kitted out.
How to Get Into Secret Shop in REPO
You need to either throw an item or use something to nudge the ceiling tile open and use an item in the vicinity to climb up, or have a partner throw you inside REPO’s Secret Shop hole.
If you’re playing Solo, this is going to be a tad harder. Some kind of jump upgrade is required to reach the hole. But it’s much easier playing with a friend as they can pick you up and throw you into the hole—but creating a tower of shopping carts to reach higher is needed.
Duct Tape Grenades and more can be found in the Secret Shop. You don’t have to buy anything, but it’s always good to know a second option is available if you desperately need resources.
There you have it! That’s the REPO Secret Shop and how to get into it. Many more secrets are likely hidden throughout the horrifying halls and holes of REPO. Let us know if you find anything cool and out of the ordinary by dropping a comment below.
For more REPO content, check out the different ways to revive teammates, the available platforms, and how to check if the servers are down.